And We have not sent you except as a Herald and a warner to the entire mankind, but most of the mankind is not knowing.
From the deputation of Muhammed, he is the Messenger to entire mankind till the Last Day as explained in verse 33: 40. But the Arabic Quran reading Fujjar by hiding and rejecting Adhikr are considering Muhammed as the Messenger of their people. They are the disbelievers, wrongdoers, and transgressors. Only one in each thousand recognizes the fact that just like all 312 Messengers deputed before from the Lord, Muhammed is also deputed to the entire mankind as explained in verses 7: 157-158. Since the Arabic Quran reading Fujjar are hiding and rejecting Adhikr-the Food, Cloth, and Sight of the human soul, they are not considering the Lord as He should be considered, and they are not following any Messenger or prophet, instead, they are following 29 pseudo prophets and are welcoming the 30th pseudo prophet Antichrist. They are the fuel of fire from mankind as explained in verses 3: 7-10. See explanation 2: 62; 28: 57; 29: 43; 33: 40, 72-73.